25 June 2007
the first day of term three... there goes another 10 more weeks of school

is it a good thing or bad thing?? haha i guess its 50-50 la..
nothing much happened in school today, had lessons per normal just that time table change lo... heehee chinese teacher not coming for one week.. but then we still have to go for chinese lesson this week, split class ='(
hmmm lets see, we have quite a few new teachers teaching us.. we have new teacher for PE, history, then for a maths we have mr low and another teacher heehee we have two teachers for amaths cos our class the amaths is really... hmm what should i say.. bad?? theres like 24 failures(F9) in our class for amaths la and our class only have 33 people.. only like 5 people pass the other.. and im one of those failures not one of the 5 people who pass LOL
nevermind bout that.. haha anyway i almost fell asleep in class today.. so to keep me awake i was doing sudoku during english class.. *oops* anyway thats also a form to work our brains what. =P so it should be good to be doing it haha, i guess thats just clarissa's theory of how to work our brains.. =D
tralala im just bored... hmm lets see.. i'll just post some pictures then

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