hello =D

finally blogging again.. mid year exams are "over" just left with listening comprehension tomorrow so gotta go to school for like an hour or so i guess. then wednesday would be marking day.. no school on that day but i have to go back to school for dance.. hmm yup..
exams were fine.. lets see had:
english paper 2 and social studies paper 1 on monday
- the paper was ok :P not that difficult i guess...
chinese paper 2 and chemistry paper 1 and 2
- chinese paper was ok i could still do just that the multiple choice were abit more tricky.. then chemistry... erm.. haha dont think can do that well for it.. :(
history paper 3 and maths paper 1
- history was ok.... but im not that sure if my essay for the second part had the correct points... well i hope so though;) maths paper 1, i couldnt finish a few questions which i skipped first.
maths paper 2 and a. maths paper1
- maths was fine, amaths :P could do but dont know if my answers would be correct... couldnt do some questions but i still tried =D haha
physics paper 2 and biology paper 4
- both the papers were still ok la not that bad...
physics/ biology paper 1 and amaths paper 2
- phy/ bio paper1 was quite easy.. compared answers with jan, val and rachel our answers were almost the same.. amaths could do half the paper i guess or maybe abit more.. couldnt do the last few questions.. im so dead X P
lets see, after marking day gonna have chinese intensive programme all the way till olevels chinese... if i didnt see wrongly the hours fir this programme a day is quite long... but i guess its for our own good so i must stay awake during these lessons no matter how tired i am!! haha
went to downtown east yesterday just to walk around and cos si wanted to book chalet and stuff.. it was super crowded cos there was some carnival.. yup and i can say that i officially dislike clowns man... they just creep me out haha.. :P im sorry...
yup i think im gonna stop here today :) shall put some photos inside some may be quite long ago... haha

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