After PROCRASTINATING so much... i finally revived my *used to be* very dead blog..
Many people were telling me how dead my blog was but i was too lazy to do anything about it, haha until recently when i realized i got nothing much to do during the holidays...
so HERE I AM .. :D
it took me ages to find a suitable blogskin..
Well.. i gotta make sure i blog often, if not reviving the blog wouldn't be much of a use would it?
Let's see after this week, i'll have 6 more weeks of school break till new semester starts again.. then 3 weeks out of my 6 weeks of my holidays would be gone cos i'll be going to beijing for the CDS.. i really don't know to be happy bout it or to be sad bout being 3 weeks away from home ):
i can say i'm having mixed emotions bout it :P
Went out yesterday with Christel, Cheryl, Alisha and Vance (: were suppose to go ice skating but had a change of plans.. lol so we sat around subway for quite awhile eating cookies and alisha was complaining how the cookies were so hard that it tasted like rock :P LOL but it was really quite hard i also don't know why... haha so we headed to lavender then to chritel's house to get bikes :D we decided to cycle to east coast and eat at the food centre there.. was kinda tiring but it was fun. thank goodness i didnt fall :P *havent cycled in years* and i'm serious, no joke..
haha skate park is really nice though i don't know how to do those stunts.. haha thats christel :D the bowl thing is really big.. :P

Well i learnt 2 lessons yesterday..
1. Make sure you can differentiate between a bike reflector and a bike light..Never think that the bike's reflector is the bike's light.. cos you'll never be able to find the button to switch it on and looking for the button will make you look silly.
2. NEVER EVER assume that all taxi drivers are always male.. cos not all of them are.. It's very awkward when you said hi uncle and its a aunty... -.-" i know the feeling.. :P
oh oh and i exercised with jan on monday :D accomplishment!! :D we're gonna exercise together again soon.. :P
alright.. think i'll stop here today :D i'll probably be back to blog again tmr or something (:
BYEBYE people :D enjoy your holidays (:
*haha i was bored while walking*
vance was probably SMSing oblivious to the fact that we were taking a photo...

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