Friday, January 08, 2010
ooh, i almost posted my post on MMP blog again!
haha, i havent blogged since the new year:P
i finally finished all the school assignments! (So Far)
now its time for me to focus on PiCC presentation slides, i have one due next week and another one due the following week. then next wednesday gotta go to SMU i think... to attend some talk bout china relations i think.. haha gosh so many things to do..
my mind is so blank now, legs so tired haha wore heels and stood there for like 5 hours plus in heels! this reminds me... i gotta find white shirt! hahaha(:
guess i'll stop here for now. i'll try my best to blog soon:D
A day without laughter is a day wasted - Charlie Chaplin
Monday, December 28, 2009
today's the start of a new term (:
hope everything goes well.
i have to start rushing all my assignments, especially for PiCC journals and presentation.
so dead if i don't start now... Pffft.
but its finishing soon so that's the good thing(:
i shall continue with my work now(: shall try my best to post as soon as i can :D
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
OH NO!!!
i'm suppose to be doing my per comm!!! but what am i doing now.. Blogging..

I should smack myself haha, i keep procrastinating.
But at least i'm done with my egg-xperiment, mmp quiz, mmp forum and the recruitment letter..
Now i'm left with Journalism IWA, Per Comm Journals and MMP manager thingy..
haha me being last minute.. went to look for a hour glass for my egg-xperiment. (due tonight haha :P)
I went to mini toons, popular and loyang point to find a hour glass! but i couldn't find any. haha when i asked them if they had any hour glass, they kinda gave me the HUH face.. haha then i had to tell them it was the sand thing and you turn it hah. It was after today that i realised, hour glasses are really difficult to find :/
had to make do with the one at home.. haha thank goodness it was still usable and it could be opened. So i spend bout an hour preparing and taking my egg shot. Haha it was tiring, after i was done my hands were shaking... haha imagine that :P
but at least i'm satisified with my photo(:
it's kinda blurr here idk why.. but i have many other shots haha.. took more than 50 shots..
it was kinda sticky cos the egg kept dropping, but i'm glad i'm done !! haha hopefully i can get to the next round :D
haha ok, i shall continue with my work now(:
byebye people :D
oh ya and kevin asked me to add his name in the post, he wants me to tell you all that he thinks i'm a retard.. PFFFTT... haha i don't even know why i'm writing it here but ya.. haha
Friday, November 20, 2009
oh wow.. haha today i just realised my hotmail has like 6 pages
and at te last page, the last mail was on 23/3/2007 .. haha 2007!!!
something bout investiture :P
haha i'm just too lazy to delete mails even though there is just a delete button there.. haha shall go delete it now..
haha and its been a week since i last blogged :P
So let's see.. last sat i went to celebrate my birthday
i had fun on my birthday(: but then i still had PiCC in the morning, haha that's the downside :P i was sleepy and didn't want to wake up so early on a saturday.. haha but it actually happens like every saturday and everyday... i'm such a bum... haha went to plaza sing and watched paranormal activity.. isn't that nice and it isn't scary.. haha felt cheated, it looked like a nice show on the trailer. Now i'm looking forward to watch a christmas carol, looks like a awesome awesome show.. they even have it in 3D!! haha yeap then after that went to paramount for steamboat with family! ATE SO MUCH :P *GUILTY* haha but it was NICE(: haha i get excited when i start talking bout food... OOPSS...
I went out on sunday too(: haha went to suntec with christel and we ate at pizza hut then we went to watch a random movie haha Merantau Warriors, it was quite nice though we were trying to figure out the language they were speaking at the beginning of the show :P then after that met val and ren hao to go marina barrage.. my first time going there and it was really pretty. Kenze, dillon and joel turned up too. They told me they couldnt make it and i believed them -.- " haha then we had a picnic and went out for dinner.. and after dinner they bought me cappuccino cheesecake from Starbucks :) LOVE IT :D haha had so much fun over the weekends :)
i suddenly don't know what to write..
oh.. i have 3 assignments due next week, plus PiCC work... so many things to do! need to do it during the weekends if not i;ll have to rush like mad during the weekdays..
pfftt.. i'm so moodless now i don't know why.. :/
Friday, November 13, 2009
i dont know what i'm doing bloggin at this hour.. haha(:
yesterday during photography lecture, since we were going through the egg-xperiment and then i saw a century egg.. i suddenly wondered where do century eggs come from.. like who lays them..
haha so i asked christel and she laughed.. :P
she said they were preserved chicken eggs.... i didnt think about that.. haha... i'm not a fan of century eggs so ya.. haha... my nextquestion is.. where do salted eggs come from???
haha i shall go check it out haha :D
going to have Campus Care Network later(: haha i shall go sleep.. its like 1.50am :P
haha... it just occurred to me that we had prom last year on this day and had finished o's the day before! haha im being so random.. but ya :D haha(:
Friday, November 06, 2009
I LOVE THE RAIN (: haha who doesn't???
i think i'm going crazy.... (:
haha and watching the standard chartered advertisement makes me not want to eat fish...
haha it's quite funny...
oh... went to Ritz Carlton for dinner to celebrate mummy's birthday last night!!
ate alot alot of food cos it was a buffet :P lol havent had that much in a long time.. but i really enjoyed myself.. haha i drowned myself in prawns.. *YUMMY* they had sushi, oyster (but i don't know how to enjoy them), erm crab.., then all the chinese food, indian food.. ahaha and alot more(: heehee had so much fun..
haha but i gotta say i enjoyed the dessert area.. haha i gotta sweet tooth(:
haha i had lime sorbet, mango sorbet and chocolate chip ice cream(:
then i had some other dessert.. (:
talking about the food is making me hungry again and i'm missing the prawns.. lol(:
haha so i think i'll stop here cos i got to do my translation work :P
ttyl (:
oh oh... and i still wanna walk in the rain.. (:
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
emma a.k.a the panda (: kept asking me to update my blog :P
so here i am.. updating.. cause i have no lessons today..
i don't know what's wrong with me but i couldn't sleep properly after 8am today haha... i kept thinking that i had to go to school..
i know i'm being random but it should just continue raining, the rain stopped just after 5 minutes.. made me happy for only for that 5 minutes.. Pffft... i'm not in the right state of mind today haha(:
i'm supposed to be doing my translation, then listen to the e-lecture, then.. i know i have something else to do but i can't remember.... but i don't feel like doing anything now :P
went to starbucks yesterday after per comm to do J2 group work.. sat at strarbucks for like 2 hours observing people, it was quite funny(:
oh oh oh oh oh oh!! haha i remembered what else i needed to do!! MY JOURNALISM! haha i need to photocopy my notes and do something else...
oh yes.. and just when i decided to sleep early on monday haha i got woken up 4 times... -.-" haha but its ok..
i think the funniest thing that woke me up was dillon who called me at like 11 and he started singing the happy tree friends song... heard val's laughter in the background.. haha but i was half awake so i didnt really react i think.. first time someone call me just to sing a happy tree friends song.. haha hilarious (:
so here i am.. updating.. cause i have no lessons today..
i don't know what's wrong with me but i couldn't sleep properly after 8am today haha... i kept thinking that i had to go to school..
i know i'm being random but it should just continue raining, the rain stopped just after 5 minutes.. made me happy for only for that 5 minutes.. Pffft... i'm not in the right state of mind today haha(:
i'm supposed to be doing my translation, then listen to the e-lecture, then.. i know i have something else to do but i can't remember.... but i don't feel like doing anything now :P
went to starbucks yesterday after per comm to do J2 group work.. sat at strarbucks for like 2 hours observing people, it was quite funny(:
oh oh oh oh oh oh!! haha i remembered what else i needed to do!! MY JOURNALISM! haha i need to photocopy my notes and do something else...
oh yes.. and just when i decided to sleep early on monday haha i got woken up 4 times... -.-" haha but its ok..
i think the funniest thing that woke me up was dillon who called me at like 11 and he started singing the happy tree friends song... heard val's laughter in the background.. haha but i was half awake so i didnt really react i think.. first time someone call me just to sing a happy tree friends song.. haha hilarious (:
ok... so i have quite a few things to do(: at least i went to develop the photos already(: have to collect it on sunday.. i need to remember! haha if not later i forget.. :D
Thursday, October 29, 2009
i will have no problem sleeping tonight(: i'm so so so sleepy..
but i have my report to finish up for PICC.. its due on saturday but i'm not done!! i only have the heading there.. haha i don't know what to add into my reflection...
anyway went out on tuesday to celebrate joel's birthday, haha we went to manhattan fish market at white sands to eat(: it was really fun :D haha i have the video of the people at manhattan fish market singing a birthday song for it! haha it was really loud and funny hhaha.. then we left for dillon's house to cut cake and then there was the low-fat whipped cream time! it was really fun(:
i'm too tired to blog now.. i'll probably blog again tmr :D
take care people:D and all the best to those taking their O's this year(:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I have a really bad feeling that i gotta send my lappy for repair.. ):
Firstly the trackpad isn't really working properly thus im using a mouse now...
then my photobooth and garageband will quit by itself and some photobooth pictures ain't coming out right.... it sucks... like SERIOUSLY...
the repair centre is so far away... and if i send lappy for repair i might not see it for a few days..
:( :'( :''(
haha anyways.. gonna upload some pictures that i took in beijing!! and im still too lazy to upload it on fb haha.. just kill me :P i should stop being lazy...
Our last day at BEIJING :P

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
came back from beijing on saturday night(:
let's see.. the trip was overall good and really enjoyable :D
1. Became closer to my dearest friends
2. Made more new friends
3. Got to go shopping.. hahah SHOP SHOP SHOP (:
4. Got to experience something new i guess
5. Tried SMELLY TOU FU.. haha and its really quite nice haha
6. Learnt some new stuff.. hhaha i listened k... :D
i remember the first time we wanted to try smelly toufu.. i was quite hesistant and emma was saying that the smell of smelly toufu was making her hungry haha i just gave her that face -> :/
we got the video of us eating it for the first time.. :D haha it was really fun trying something new, it was like durian.. doesn't smell that good *but i think it smells great* but taste really really nice :D haha gonna eat it again the next time i go BeiJing!! haha
Beijing was really fun especially when going with friends(: it was like government free.. lol(:
haha mel, sherraine and me shared a room lol we managed to survive 21 nights in a room that was only supposed to fit one person.. haha and it was quite comfy.. cos we took our comforters from other rooms lol and we pulled down the mattress and stuff :D
lets see we tried alot of different food there.. first few days couldnt find proper food, its either we went to some really bad place to eat or the food was too oily and tasteless.. then.. sometimes when we (melody, sherraine emma and eleanor plus me!!) were lazy to go out we would either eat cup noodles or walk to the place next to school to buy food :D haha and sometimes i'll just have a apple for lunch.. i'm not on a diet haha just lazy.. and i realised apples can make you quite full too :P
haha i had alot of "firsts" in beijing! haha in china.. it was the first time i went to a cyber cafe (I SWEAR) haha, then it was the first time i did a manicure, first time i tried smelly toufu, first time i travelled alone without parents haha the list just goes on and on and on..
haha many funny things happened in china.. the one i can remember so far is emma's incident at the cyber cafe! haha she and the toilet paper on the chair :P funny girl lol(:
I MISS BEIJING's WEATHER thats all :P oh ya.. and the SHOPPING! HAHA like super fun to shop there.. haggling with the prices.. can be quite scary but we dont get to do it in singapore so ya.. ahha like typical aunties there (: but i realised that if we dont haggle we pretty much wont be able to survive there cos they kinda charge us really high for stuff that don't cost that much.. i remember haggling for a shirt for like 95RMB to like 30RMB, and 150RMB to like 50RMB.. haha accomplishment.. so i must be proud of myself lol:D
now its time to do all our reports and prepare for our presentation and all :/
Anyway went to celebrate kenze's birthday today at swensens(: we were somewhat sucessful with tricking him that only val and i were going for the dinner without dillon renhao and joel.. but when we reached tm he was at the interchange by some wall.. and he saw all of us.. haha UH OH!! haha anyway the people at swensens sang him a birthday song and he was somewhat embarrassed quite funny(: wanted to watch a movie but the shows were all so late.. so we sat at fourth floor and chatted instead and then headed home:D it was a simple celebration and glad he enjoyed it :D i shall post the photos another time :D
im going to sleep now :D haha
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
i'm packing my stuff now:) only 3 more days till i'm leaving for china for 3 weeks..
and.. my flu came back again together with cough and abit of sore throat..
this stinks :/ then i gotta swallow pills again later :P thats what decolgen is for.. but its so big... haha and difficult to swallow..
tissue papers are currently my best friend :)
anyway went roller blading at east coast yesterday(: it was nice, a pretty good way to exercise and as usual i fell quite a few times :P haha but its ok(:
LOL my mind is kinda blank now, NO JOKE!! haha... i dont know what to blog about so i think im gonna stop here for now :D
Monday, September 21, 2009
THE NEW IPOD NANO IS SO SO PRETTY :P haha pretty... pretty.. look at the colours ahah
but i need a way to get $$ to buy it lol.. thats the tough part:/ PFFFT.....
the world revolves around $$ and its worse when i don't have an atm card yet.. haha
sheesh i should stop complaining.. haha
anyway like 5 more days till i'm leaving for china, still thinking if i should bring laptop:P and i havent really started packing.. i only took down the luggage.. i think we would be visiting inner mongolia and chengde(:
haha i went to barks cafe for lunch today, the food was really nice but couldnt really enjoy my food cos i was having a sore throat:/ an i ordered fish and chips haha quite dumb.. i ordered fried food :! haha but it was nice(:
haha i took a nap today AGAIN... -.- ... i think im spending too much time sleeping la.. haha must change! if not i will die when school starts, like everyday around 4 i'll feel sleepy.. haha
alright:D i think im gonna stop here today(: going roller blading tmr so hopefully it doesnt rain(: haha byebye peeps(:
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I had fun yesterday(:
haha went to dillon's house for bbq session again last night, just the six of us - val, kenze, dillon, joel, ren hao and me (:
haha before that went to giant with dillon and kenze to buy other stuff for the bbq(: lets see, we bought sotong, prawns, stingray, MARSHALLOW(:, drinks, fishball and chips oh and mushrooms(: luckily daddy was there too with mummy and geri jiejie haaha. Cos they fetched us there and back(:
so later at night the bbq started haha..
*ignore me if im not typing sense, im only half awake now, even though its only 11 plus*
haha ate until very full :P then we watched boys over flowers before heading to my house to play mahjong and later on watch phobia(:
haha everyone went to my house except for renhao.. then val stayed for awhile while we played mahjong. val left bout 1 plus, so we walked her home(: and being guys, i dont know who started it but they had to scare val and i bout the cat... we ran can in the middle of the night -.- haha but it was quite funny..
then after that we continued playing mahjong till like 5 plus, packed up then we prepared to watch phobia(: hahai think the last game of mahjong is the funniest, lol(:
phobia was kinda stupid but yet kinda scary lol... haha scary but stupid.. doesnt make sense but ya(: haha so kenze, dillon, joel and i stayed awake and watched phobia till 7 plus haha it was bright outside! lol so awesome.. havent stayed awake till 7 before... eh wait.. haha i think i did before, lol some camp :P oh... council selection camp! haha the tiring night walk... i remember being half awake, being able to sleep while standing haha but that's besides the point:D anyway back to being awake till 7 plus.. haha after that everyone went back and i cuddled my way to bed(: and here i am feeling sleepy despite taking a nap from 4 plus to 730 haha(:
6 more days till im going to beijing!! time to pack my luggage lol(:
Friday, September 18, 2009
haha back to blog(:
i'm counting down to the number of days till i go to china
so its 8 more days!! *since its past 12*
i'm just wondering how i'll survive there :/
wish me luck haha...
anyways i really like the Colbie Caillat song Falling For You
haha the lyrics are just awesome(: there.. haha i just have to put it in(:
makes my post look longer :D haha
I don’t know but
I think I maybe
Fallin’ for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
Keep this to myself
Waiting ’til I
Know you better
I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
As I’m standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It’s just you and me
I’m trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh I just can’t take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
I can’t stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can’t hide it
I think I’m fallin’ for you (x2)
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh no no
Oh I’m fallin’ for you
I think I maybe
Fallin’ for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
Keep this to myself
Waiting ’til I
Know you better
I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
As I’m standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It’s just you and me
I’m trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh I just can’t take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
I can’t stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can’t hide it
I think I’m fallin’ for you (x2)
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh no no
Oh I’m fallin’ for you