YAY!! end of years are finally over.. but erm how do i put it.. i dont feel the end of exams joy yet not until i get back my results.. XD

im so scared i wont do well.. sigh going to get back results tomorrow.. is it a good thing or bad thing? I guess its a good thing =) LOL its been a long long time since i last blogged.. its a nice feeling to touch the kyboards again haha.. ok.. i just sounded like some... wont go into details =D
yup anyway i will be posting some pictures lol.. so many things i wanna do.
and and and i cant believe its the last week of school next week!! everything just seems to pass so quickly... and then holidays are coming. i'll miss everyone (waiting for photos to be transferred)
i thought after exams i would be able to d other things but.. the weird thing was haha i was bored to death yesterday.. i didnt have anything to do.. and i wasnt used to not studying *for the time being* haha its so funny that when we have exams i complain of always having to study, but now im complaining of not being able to do anything and i feel weird not studying. XD
im so weird haha lol yup so during exams jia hwei came my house to study together yup so heres 2 pics we took =D still got more la but never post
yup and guess how i spent my lantern festival? our class had a gathering at pasir ris park and we ate kfc as we had $80 voucher from our entrepreneur fair.. had loads of fun.. we played with lanters and sparkles and we all chatted together it was fun haha.. although some of our lanterns got burnt haha
yup but jan wasnt there yup... then we took pic in the bus too haha
(juz, me and val)
(me and val)
hmmm ok guess i will stop here for today if not later it will take very long to load =P
take care byebye=)
oh ya! I BOUGHT BEN AND JERRYS ICE CREAM!! just the right thing for me LOL yummy cookie dough and vanilla =D